Learn the Facts. Spread the Word. Make Your Community Safer.
Welcome to our anti-sex trafficking resource center! Here, you will find helpful facts, figures, and tools to educate yourself and others about sex trafficking.
There is a specific culture and terminology for those who are in “The Life.” Attached are some terms that shed light on this complicated world.
For decades, the term “pimping” has been used to glorify a sex trafficker. Shows like “Pimp My Ride” and the Jay-Z song “Big Pimpin” are two examples of this. While pimping may seem glamorous on the surface, it has very dangerous, damaging repercussions on victims, the perpetrators, and society as a whole. Pimps, or sex traffickers, are extremely savvy and employ debilitating strategies to ensnare and maintain trafficked victims under their control. This series of fact sheets explains some of the different ways pimps operate, recruitment strategies, and general guidelines on how to stay safe.